
3XEquity is the Authority on
Transitioning and Valuation.

3X Equity was established to help Advisors plan their future.
Whether you want to transition to another Broker Dealer or buy, sell, or finance a practice, we want to become your trusted partner.

What We Do

We help financial advisors (FA’s)
control the transition conversation and maximize their practice valuation.


Instant Offers Delivered





Who We Are

3xEquity Jeff Crosby CEO

Jeff Crosby

Founder & CEO

As a highly successful wealth advisor (Barron’s® Top Financial Advisor 2010 – 2016) with more than 22 years industry experience, Jeff started 3xEquity to solve a problem he had encountered himself: transitioning was a difficult and time-consuming process. This led him to develop a faster, simpler easier and safer (confidential) way to get multiple offers from broker dealers and help advisors make better-informed decisions. 3xEquity has been featured in magazines such as Financial Advisor and Financial Planning which highlighted the advisory business valuation services and the transition coaching of top advisors nationally. Jeff is a 20-time Ironman triathlete and a 6-time Hawaiian World Championship Ironman qualifier.

3xEquity Chris Stacey CIO

Chris Stacey

Chief Information Officer

Chris helped launch 3xEquity from its inception and has been directly involved in every aspect as CIO, including building the valuation methodologies and constructing the 3xEquity transition offer process. Chris has also been a financial advisor for over 20 years, which has given him invaluable experience and understanding of what it is like to walk in an advisor’s shoes. He graduated from University of Washington with a B.A. in Economics. Outside of the office, Chris’ favorite thing to do is spend time with his wife Pavy and their 3 children on the water in Lake Washington or south Puget Sound. Chris also enjoys cycling and has completed the Seattle to Portland (STP), a 200+ mile ride, 6 times as a single day rider.

3xEquity Lisa Johnston Senior Analyst

Lisa Johnston

Senior Analyst

Lisa Johnston manages all candidate information and coordinates the broker dealer offers. Lisa provides a simple and confidential client experience process that financial advisors will trust. Lisa’s other core responsibility is to help financial advisors fully understand the most attractive “next step” options, whether it’s transitioning, selling or buying. Prior to 3xEquity, Lisa spent 20 years in marketing and sales roles in the healthcare/pharmaceutical/paper industries. She also coached executives on corporate etiquette and protocol. Lisa is a Washington State University graduate, now living in beautiful Idaho with her husband, three teens and Bernese mountain dog. She is passionate about running in the Boise foothills and being a high school head cross country coach.

How We Do It

For the first time ever, 3xEquity’s unique solution has disrupted the traditional model for transitioning. Now, you can go online to confidentially enter your practice information and then you will receive 2 offers in 2 days. Like Uber, Netflix and Paypal, we set out to change the way “things were done in the past.”

Over 500 Advisors have tried our innovative approach, choosing to eliminate Head Hunter recruiters from the process.

3xEquity delivers a smarter, faster, easier and simpler way to transition with better information, control and potentially more lucrative outcomes.

The Traditional Process

BD’s or head hunters control the process.

Potential risk others will find out.

Hard to know if you are getting the best offer.

The 3xEquity Process

You control the conversation. 3xEquity educates you what is out there.

100% anonymous and confidential. BD’s won’t know your name until you agree to meet with them to discuss their offer.

Get multiple offers right away and compare. Make the best decision for your career.

Are You The Next Success Story?

Getting started couldn’t be easier.

Begin the process of receiving your 2 offers in 2 days. Now.


Yes. Some advisors who submit information via our Instant Offer process are as curious to explore a sale as they are a transition. Additionally, our nationwide reputation and experience in assisting in transitions and sales means we keep our ear to the rails, listening for opportunities and identifying ideal fits.
Our Preferred Buyers Network was set up to provide qualified access to practice acquisition opportunities. To apply for membership, click here.
Yes. Keeping your information anonymous (and the whole instant offer process confidential until you say so) is what makes this solution so revolutionary and quite frankly the only way we can wrestle back control of the conversation so advisors have more say.
Helping advisors maximize the value of their practice is at the heart of what we do. Our name speaks to the typical range of selling prices (normally 2-3x equity but our goal is always to get you the highest value and that is why we chose a name at the top end of the range).
Yes. The National Associations of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) globally recognized Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) designation is the most widely trusted business valuation credential and 3xEquity has been certified to perform to its high standards. Advisors looking to sell, merge or expand their practice, precisely value their practice for court/litigation purposes and/or are in the midst of succession planning are encouraged to pursue a CVA-certified valuation as they are highly detailed, defensible in court and are widely accepted as the industry standard.